Sunday, June 5, 2016

Walking our Talk

"Whether we realize it or not, our paths are being guided."

This quotation was included in one of those email "thought for the day" messages. 

We grew up hearing, "Do as I say, not as I do." Instinctively, we understood the flaw in that philosophy, yet taking to heart the truth that we teach what we are is not always first in our minds. At times, however, we do recognize we are invited to walk our talk with greater integrity than ever before. 

As my colleague and friend just said, as healers we are called to not add more pain or distress or fear to the world. If you have not seen my June 2016 Beyond Mastery article, I invite you to read The Truth About Healing so you will know the rest of the story.
I don't usually attend Thursday's Gentle Yoga class, but this week I had a very strong sense I needed to be there. In the meditation group following yoga, a class member shared a remarkable experience. In a hurry to meet someone—she purposely avoided engaging with a stranger who was coming in to the church just as she was leaving. Details will be shared later in a Sacred Story, but the point is she received an intuition she was to go tell that man God wanted him to become a priest.

In the way "Providence" perfectly provides, she almost instantaneously received confirmation the man had come to that church solely to pray, seeking discernment about that very question! 

I also told the meditation group about a colleague who was recently desperately desiring to have acupuncture for her hospitalized husband—another Sacred Story to be published—and within hours of stating her desire out loud, what he needed was provided (with great results!). 

Shortly after I arrived home, I got a call from my sister that our landlord had just told her   we have to move out of our offices by the end of the month! Given the circumstances, it would be understandable to feel frustrated, irritated, and even downright angry. 

However, perhaps it is time for us to walk our talk. We can move past the habitual emotional reactions and affirm the truth, "Whether we realize it or not, our paths are being guided."