Friday, March 25, 2016


Over a cup of coffee with a new writer colleague/friend, as the conversation got rather deep, she said, “We don’t know that much about the brain and about making lasting changes.”

“Bull $&@#!” I blurted out.

“Don’t hold back,” she went on.

“NLP was developed in the 1970’s,” I continued. “We do know how we run our brains. That is what Subtle Communication Systems is all about. It is vital for well-being. What we don’t yet know is how to get the mainstream to recognize and utilize the resources.”

We nicknamed our business SCS Matters, because it does!

I did not know I still had so much energy around all of this. I guess it is understandable, given the decades I have been involved in holistic education. I remember someone asking Dean Ornish in 2007 how he thought we were doing with the move to integration. His response was he was amazed at how far we had come and appalled at how long it was taking.

Why would I say the body of work we call Subtle Communication Systems is vital for well-being? Because it is: simply put, you need to know how your internal processes affect your energy and how your energy affects your health.

You cannot feel fear without having a specific way you are thinking about the trigger.

Every thought, feeling, belief, and attitude has a structure to it. Changing the structure allows you to have a different experience.

My work has been called satanic, dangerous, and fraudulent.

I am reminded that all innovation meets with three distinct phases: first, it is ridiculed; then it is resisted; and then it is accepted as the norm. 

As Dean Ornish said, we are making progress.
