Friday, November 6, 2015

Phenomenal Retreat

Regular readers of this blog are not unfamiliar with my practice of going on silent meditation retreats, as I was blessed to do October 27-November 1. What a perfect timing for a much needed renewal on the heels of the transition of my mother-in-law on October 4, followed by the preparation for and execution of a family-run estate sale on October 22, 23, and 24 (See Musings from an Estate Sale). 

I was the guest minister at Unity on the Lakeshore (Listen to: Celebrations of Life) in Douglas on Sunday, October 25, did laundry and packed on Monday, and departed for Selma, Indiana, on Tuesday morning. 

The retreat was sponsored by Deep Spring Center for Meditation and Spiritual Inquiry. Infinite love and gratitude for the teachers: Barbara Brodsky, John Orr, and Amy Koch, as well as the loving spirit beings who provided wisdom, grace, and love. 

The retreat was held at Oakwood Retreat Center, and the language on their website is as inviting as the space itself: "Whatever your practice, path or modality, Oakwood Retreat Center is  a place you can call Home…. a sacred space filled with encouragement and permission to take that next step in the journey…. a unique venue where you may freely participate in creative and transformational work within a nurturing and supportive atmosphere."

A bit more from the website: "Oakwood Community is the current manifestation of a passion to offer the world a place where loving-kindness prevails, a place where the spirit of the womb is held safe and unconditionally present."

What would allow all human beings to live these values? Can you imagine moving in a world where every acre and every being is recognized as a sacred space filled with encouragement? Perhaps time on retreat is designed to remind us to open our eyes and ears and enjoy the beauty of this life all around us. 

My pillows (brought with me from home) were clothed in cases from mom, plus the snuggly blanket I tucked myself in with each night had also been one of her favorites. The earrings I wore the last day had been mom's as well, and on Sunday morning I shared with the group my experiences of loss and love. 

Some of the instruction was related to the importance of our learning to not cling or grasp as preparation of our final letting gothe dissolution of our physical bodies and our reemergence into the stream of divine consciousness. This morning (obviously still processing the retreat) I awoke from this dream:

I'm with several people and some sort of phenomena begins to happen. A "guide" is explaining to us how whatever we fear is coming into our life! I know immediately as we get into a vehicle, one of my fears is drowning. 

Sure enough, we are immediately plunged into water and the vehicle starts filling up. I know instinctively if I don't relax completely, I will die. I am able to relax and slow my breathing. I feel the water come all the way up my body and over my head. Instantly, the water is gone, and I'm not even wet.

In the next scene, a woman friend and I go up to the attic to spend the night to face our fear. We are lying down on a futon in the middle of the room. When we turn off the light, four heavy hands clamp down my shoulders and ankles. I try to speak to say that I'm experiencing phenomenon but I have no voice! It is terrifying, but, again I am able to calm myself and the phenomenon passes.

It was after six when I looked at the clock, so I got up. As I was sitting on the toilet recalling the details of the dream, I heard the phrase, "While you are in this life, it is all phenomena!"

May everyone everywhere remember….