Monday, June 30, 2014

Eternal Expressing

So many people have expressed astonishment that I would actually enjoy a week-long silent meditation retreat. I admit that it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but silence—to my heart—is golden. 

I treasure the deeper seeing that occurs naturally. For example, the awe that I felt when I saw these two dandelions growing side-by-side in the labyrinth. They were the only two in the whole area, and instantly, I was aware of the profound reality present in the old is the new not yet come

The theme of the week was Self or No Self. Imagine my shock when I crawled into my bunk the first night, looked up at the bottom of the top bunk and saw dozens of eyes looking back at me! 

In meditation training, it is said, "The one who is aware of anger is not angry." As I was drifting off to sleep, I wondered who is the "I" looking, and who is the "I" being seen?

While we might argue these ideas until the cows come home, it is very simple to experience truth beyond ideas when  you are intentional to notice the ego perspective and do as Jill BolteTaylor describes as stepping right of your left brain. She is the author of My Stroke of Insight, and if you have not yet seen her amazing Ted talk, check that out. 

I am slowly settling back into a routine here at home, but I am being very intentional to integrate the expanded mindfulness my week of silent mediation gifted me with. 

For today, let me remember you can see the eternal expressing itself in the impermanent moment-by-moment. It is so reassuring to know this is the truth of each of our lives.