Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Chaos. What you going to do?"

In the midst of gathering darkness,
light becomes more evident.
~ Bonnie Bostrom

Over the past couple of weeks I have found myself very busily engaged with an internationally known philosopher in some deep philosophical questions. Our lively explorations grew out of a quotation he saw in my on-line bio. "What's in the way, is the way." We have invited pondering ideas that have broad implications for us all such as: 

Is there any truth to the idea that what you focus on you get more of?

If so, what is the most appropriate relationship to have with what comes into awareness?

Is there a going beyond awareness?

I have started to blog about all this several times, only to be interrupted. In the meanwhile, the ultimate truth of "What's in the way, is the way" keeps revealing itself. 

For example, last Thursday morning, I had some miscommunication about the sequence in which we would run some errands. The result was to put us in the precise place at the precise time to make significant connections, so much so that it could only be called meaningful coincidence. Not being able to find the door to the Nazareth post office allowed us to walk in as a person we know was walking out. This person had information we needed, but would not have ever thought to seek her out for.

The confusion about the sequence of the errands, the delay in finding the door to the post office, then the exchange with the person there, all managed to put us at the bank just as a huge line formed. The line brought a financial service coordinator out into the lobby asking, "If anyone has just a simple deposit, I can help you." Our conversation with this woman quickly revealed multiple connections that would not otherwise have been made. The precision of the tiny windows of opportunity never cease to amaze me.

A few minutes ago, I received this message from a friend vacationing in another state:

"I turned on my computer yesterday morning and found ants crawling all over the desk. Then our toilet plugged up. I went to the front desk and very graciously reported our problem. Then they very graciously asked if we would like to move to another room.... We are now staying in the "Queen Suite" with all the comforts for $57.00 per night!!! How's that for manifesting abundance?....Thank you to the little ants that made it possible."

Reading of her ants made me recall an incident I experienced while staying in Thailand in 2010. The counter of the home I was staying in was covered with ants! When the mother of my hostess stopped by, with great indignation I reported the ants all over the counter to her. She very calmly and compassionately responded, "Ants. What you going to do?" I guess that was that to a Buddhist sincerely living the call to harm no one.

It may be undeniable that our outer world is experiencing chaos. 

"Chaos. What you going to do?" 

It may also be undeniable that in the midst of all that global outer chaos is a silent rhythm and pattern of order unseen by the human eye, unheard by the human ear, but nonetheless felt in the stillness of the human heart. 

That outer chaos might be a call to experience deeper inner calm. Thanks be to god if that is true....